Econ: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 287
Gazetted Taxes are 4.3ppt to 15.4ppt of Income Higher than Proposals Affirmed in the Interim Budget
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-10-24)The infographics provide details on how the recent personal income tax changes will affect the amount of personal income tax paid by an individual. -
Foregoing Competition to Secure Funding for Public Infrastructure: One third of funding secured was non-concessional
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-07-04)In 2010, Sri Lanka established a unique framework, overseen by the Standing Cabinet Appointed Review Committee (SCARC), to handle unsolicited proposals (USPs) for public infrastructure funding. These USPs inherently bypass ... -
Sri Lanka Ports Authority – A Profitable SOE
(2022-05)The SLPA has made an operating profit since 2015. The SLPA revenue has consistently witnessed a growth from 2015 to 2019 , with a marginal decline in 2020.From 2016 onwards the SLPA has managed to make a net profits. A ... -
A Sri Lankan Household Spends 24% of Average Monthly Expenditure for One Full Tank of Petrol
(2022-05)Sri Lanka's fuel prices increased rapidly within the last few months, even though the Government representatives stated that Sri Lanka still had the lowest fuel prices in the region. However, with the latest fuel prices ... -
Sri Lanka’s Fitch Credit Rating Has Been Downgraded 7 Times During the Last 7 years (May 2015 – May 2022)
(2022-05)Sri Lanka’s credit rating has been downgraded 7 times over the course of 7 years. 5 of those downgrades occurred since April 2020. In contrast, its regional peers have maintained their credit ratings. The recent downgrade ... -
Average Time Taken to Restructure Debt
(2022-06)A country resorts to debt restructuring when its public debt is unsustainable. Debt restructuring involves a substantive default on existing debt contracts. This can occur through an orderly or disorderly process. An orderly ... -
Reallocation of Funds Can Help Finance an Election
(2022-06)The infographic depicts the cost of an election in comparison to selected spending decisions undertaken by the government in 2022. In 2022 the government allocated LKR 19 billion for domestically funded defence projects ... -
Supplementary Estimate 2022: What it Entails and Its Impact on the Budget Balance
(2022-06)Supplementary Estimates are made when the government needs to spend money for which it has not received parliamentary approval. Such provisions are intended to be utilized for urgent and unforeseen expenditure. On 8th June ... -
Sri Lanka’s Revenue to GDP Ratio Reaches Its Lowest Level Since 1959
(2022-06)Data on Sri Lanka’s revenue to GDP ratio is available from 1959 onwards. The average tax to GDP ratio from 1959 to 2021 is 16%. In 2021 the tax to GDP ratio dropped to 8%, which the lowest ratio since 1959 and is half ... -
IMF Programme: Performance Evaluation - September 2023
(Verité Research, 2023-10)The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that VR’s IMF Tracker can be used more effectively to raise public awareness on the monitoring of public finance. The analysis will feed into enhancing public participation and ... -
How has the Amended (Interim) Budget Changed Allocations for 2022?
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2022-10-05)The infographics contain the difference in allocations between the interim budget and the approved budget in 2022. Defence, health and education saw a rise in approved budget allocations compared to the interim. -
Syndicated Surveys: Mood of the Nation - October 2023 (Round 06)
(Verité Research, 2023-11-06)Syndicated Surveys by Verité Research gauges public sentiment on Sri Lankans' various social and political viewpoints. The data is collected through a telephone interview and a nationwide randomised sample of around one ... -
Infrastructure Watch 2023: Infographics
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2023-09-06)Section 9 of the RTI Act No. 12 of 2016 mandates the Minister responsible for an infrastructure project to must disclose project information. In 2022, Verité Research assessed government compliance with the RTI Act's ... -
Will the Increase in Cigarette Taxes Meet Budgeted Revenue?
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2023-01-05)This infographic outlines the fact that, though there was an increase in excise taxes on tobacco at the start of January in 2023, this will still not help Sri Lanka reach its revenue target for the year. -
Northern Provincial Council: Citizens Budget 2022
(Colombo: UNICEF, 2022)The citizens' budget was essentially a simpler, shorter, and less technical version of the government's budget that was specifically designed after crucial consultation with the public and civil society to present key ... -
The lure of Chinese loans : Sri Lanka’s experiment with a special framework to finance its infrastructure investments - Presentation
(2022-09-22)China was the leading provider of external finance to Sri Lanka for infrastructure development during 2010-2016 accounting for 37% of the total. Sri Lanka borrowed USD 5,895 million from China for infrastructure development ... -
The lure of Chinese loans : Sri Lanka’s experiment with a special framework to finance its infrastructure investments
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2022-08)China was the leading provider of external finance to Sri Lanka for infrastructure development during 2010-2016 accounting for 37% of the total. Sri Lanka borrowed USD 5,895 million from China for infrastructure development ... -
Syndicated Surveys: Mood of the Nation - Round 02 2022 - Who can be the most effective leader for Sri Lanka at this time 2022
(Verité Research, 2022-07-01)This questione answered Who can be the most effective leader for Sri Lanka at this time? Syndicated Surveys by Verité Research which gauge public sentiment on Sri Lankans' various social and political viewpoints. The data ... -
Impact of FOREX Crisis and Solutions for the National Economy
(Verité Research, 2022-01)This presentation assesses the reasons for the current unprecedented crisis and the how the current crisis differs from the previous crisis Sri Lanka has been in. This presentation also assesses, the solutions for the ... -
Shaping and influencing public discourse on public policy: Role of think tanks and research organizations (Presentation)
(2022-08-31)Think tanks and research organizations have a role in shaping and influencing public discourse on public policy. The objective of this presentation is to introduce Verité Research, their research products and the impact ...