Econ: Recent submissions
Now showing items 241-260 of 287
How Numbers Can Mislead: Does Retaining the Limit to The Appointment of Cabinet and Other Ministers Solve Administrative Inefficiency?
(2021-01)This article discusses how, besides the obvious financial costs borne by having to maintain large cabinets, the focus on cabinet size alone in constitutional amendments proposed and passed conceals other problematic aspects ... -
A Rational Method for Cabinet Formation in Sri Lanka: A White Paper
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2020-08)Ministries are the overarching bodies that house relevant government bodies such as departments and authorities in charge of a particular subject area. They are responsible for the formulation and approval of national level ... -
Open Budget Survey 2019 (Presentation)
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2020-06-04)Government budget decisions—what taxes to levy, what services to provide, and how much debt to take on—affect how equal a society is and the well being of its people, including whether the most disadvantaged will have real ... -
Facing a Second Wave of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka: Economic Cost of a Lockdown Strategy
(Washington: Center for International Private Enterprise, 2020-08)As of August 2020, Sri Lanka is currently in the post-lockdown stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the surge in the number of infections in mid-March, the country was forced into a complete lockdown with all-day ... -
Impact of COVID-19 Response on Unemployment in Sri Lanka
(Washington: Center for International Private Enterprise, 2020-10-01)Goal number eight of the Sustainable Development Goals is set out as “Decent work and economic growth.” This goal recognizes that economic growth is not just an end, but also a means in itself of generating jobs – productive ... -
Improving Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka: Insights and Strategies
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2020-06)Building on the Youth Labour Market Assessment published by Verité Research in 2018, this report focuses on a series of specific issues that represent key barriers to increasing youth employment and youth employability in ... -
Opening up Trade Data: The Benefits to Sri Lanka
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2020-06)International trade data are the foundational basis when formulating trade policies and assessing their impacts. Trade data is vital for firms engaging in international trade to make sound business decisions. Unfortunately, ... -
Unlocking the Potential of Data: A case study - Data dissemination practices in Sri Lanka Customs (Presentation)
(2020-09-17)Successful economies have increasingly recognised the importance of improving access to data collected by governments. Accurate, timely and easily accessible data helps private sector growth and results in improved delivery ... -
Financing Infrastructure: The (non) concessionality of concessional loans (Presentation)
(2020-09-10)Multilateral and bilateral borrowing is often favoured by governments such as Sri Lanka because such financing tends to have ‘concessional’ elements, relative to the international financial markets. However, the cost ... -
Social and Household Networks in Sri Lanka: Does Networking Create a Disparity in Employment Outcomes
(Social Science Research Network, 2019-11-15)This paper estimates the impact of social and household networks on employment outcomes in Sri Lanka.The results indicate that social networks, measured by language choice and locality, improve employment outcomes by ... -
A Technical Case for Affordability-Based Pricing of Cigarettes
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2014-09)By 2014, tax revenue from cigarettes accounted for over 4.9% of total government revenue. However, thus far, Sri Lanka’s tax adjustments have been ad hoc, and driven by political and bureaucratic discretion rather than a ... -
Financing Infrastructure: The (Non) Concessionality of Concessional Loans
(2020-06)Sri Lanka is highly dependent on international loans from multilateral and bilateral sources to finance infrastructure development. Multilateral and bilateral borrowing is often favoured by governments such as Sri Lanka ... -
EU (revision of) Minimum Residue Level: Potential Effects on Exporting MSMEs
(Geneva: CUTS International, 2018-05)The note illustrates the views of, and challenges faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as well as monitoring organisations on the requirements of the Maximum Residue Level (MRL), for pesticide use, that exporters ... -
Mapping of Medical Services Sector: Key Figures, Structure, and the Current National Regulations
(Geneva: CUTS International, 2019-01)This note provides information on the medical services sector, along the lines of outpatient services and dental services. It also illustrates the challenges faced by, and regulations that govern the sector. -
State-Owned Enterprise Reforms in Sri Lanka: The Way Forward
(Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2017-10)The authors provide a comprehensive analysis of Sri Lanka’s extensive SOE sector. The sector has witnessed episodes of nationalization and privatization and has been subject to varied degrees of competition. Yet, despite ... -
Logistics and Services in the Sri Lankan Economy
(Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2017-10)Authors examine the growth, performance, and policy issues of the Sri Lankan service and logistics sectors. The government has clear priorities for these sectors, building on the country’s locational advantage. The policy ... -
More Than Schooling : Understanding Gender Differences in the Labor Market When Measures of Skill Are Available
(World Bank Group, 2018-09-19)This paper uses measures of cognitive and noncognitive skills in an expanded definition of human capital to examine how schooling and skills differ between men and women and how those differences relate to gender gaps in ... -
Disaster Management in Sri Lanka: A Case Study of Administrative Failures
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2019-06)This briefing note documents the findings of an investigation carried out by Verité Research on the administrative gaps within Sri Lanka’s disaster management framework. The investigation was conducted using the instrument ... -
Education Inequality and Affirmative Action: Towards a Better Estimation (Working Paper)
(Colombo: Verité Research, 2013-09)The education sector had witnessed an overall decline in terms of budgetary allocations, and was also subject to inequality in distribution of educational opportunities within the country. Education inequality has implications ... -
Private Sector Participation in Sri Lanka’s Tertiary Education: A review of information and data
(Colombo: Verite Research, 2017-11)This study presents a review of the topics relevant to the debate on private sector participation in tertiary education. These include: the structure of the tertiary education sector; the legislation underlying the ...