වාර්ගිකත්වය ඍණාත්මකව ඉස්මතු කිරීම් සහ මාධ්ය ආචාර ධර්ම
On July 27 2022, Dinamina published an article where they have irrelevantly highlighted the ethnicity of a prominent ‘Aragalaya’(struggle) activist, Dhanish Ali, as a ‘Tamil’ national who converted to ‘Islam’ , in a negative context.
The entry also includes an infographic showing Divaina daily, Sunday Divaina, Mawbima daily, Sunday Mawbima, Aruna daily, Sunday Aruna, Lankadeepa daily and Sunday Lankadeepa, Dinamina and Silumina highlighting ethnicity in negative contexts from January 2022 to June 2022.
This entry includes two write-ups and two infographics (all four in Sinhala).
- Ethics Eye [910]