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dc.contributor.authorEcon Team
dc.descriptionThis infographic was posted on the Public Finance Platform in English.en_US
dc.description.abstractDuring the first eight months of 2024, government revenue rose from LKR 1,819 billion to LKR 2,557 billion compared to the same period in the previous year. This increase arises from high revenue growth across all major tax categories, with VAT being the main contributor. VAT collections rose by 87% from LKR 450 billion in 2023 to LKR 842.5 billion in 2024, contributing over half of the overall revenue increase. Key factors behind this growth are (i) an increase in the VAT rate from 15% to 18%, (ii) the removal of VAT exemptions on 95 out of 137 major items and (iii) a reduction in the VAT registration threshold from LKR 80 million to LKR 60 million. Excise taxes added an additional LKR 114 billion, which was an increase of 42%; of which the major share -- LKR 80.6 billion – came from the increase in Excise taxes on petroleum products. For further details on fuel tax changes, explore our Fuel Price Tracker. Non-tax increased by 31.7% and accounted for nearly 7% of the overall revenue growth.en_US
dc.publisherColombo: Verité Researchen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPublic Finance Infographics;
dc.subjectPublic Finance - Government revenueen_US
dc.subjectPublic Finance - Tax revenueen_US
dc.subjectPublic Finance - Excise taxen_US
dc.subjectPublic Finance - Value added tax revenueen_US
dc.subjectPublic Finance - Excise tax revenueen_US
dc.titleRevenue performance: January - August 2024en_US

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